
There's a l0t 0f paths in life,
We have t0 be wise in selecting our path.
S0metimes, we ch0ose the wr0ng path.
But there's chances t0 c0rrect the wr0ng path,
Just wisd0m is needed,
And n0t t0 give up in life.
In life,
S0meyimes we're 0n the t0p,
S0metimes we're 0n the b0tt0m,
It's the rule 0f life,
There's n0 0ther way t0 escape life,
N0 matter h0w,
We have t0 face life,
And make our self impenetrable with 0bstacles in life.
Life could be full of happiness,
Life als0 c0uld be full 0f tears,
Laughter's may cheer our life with happiness,
Enj0y y0ur life as it can make y0ur life happier,
Fill y0ur life with j0y,
And d0 appreciate y0ur life,
Y0ur life c0uld be meaningless if y0u d0 not appreciate y0ur life...


c0baan 0h c0baan..

letihnye ary nie..
td an aq g test QTI t0k dptkan resault aq
samaada aq past t0k amik test jPj ew x..
bapak r..bile nme aq d'panggil jew an...
menggeletar kepala lut0t aq nie..
aq hanya mampu b'd0a jew r..
mane x ye 0wg yg ke 2 plak..
makl0m r..0wg na amik lesen an..
kang x pas,sia2 lak duet 0wg yg m'bayarnye..kih3..
pas jew name aq kne pggl..
aq p0n tw0s r menuju at m0to..
dalam sambil2 aq na start mot0 2..
bedebar2 jant0ng nie beb..
xtawu na kate r...
then aq p0n jalan r ats titi nan perasaan yg b'debar2..
yg si pegawai 2 lak d0k usha aq..ps2 senyum2..
rse na kasi kaki jew k0t..HAHA!
anyway,pas tamat jew test 2..
pegawai 2 p0n pggl r aq..
aq egt an aq ad uat salah ew ap ew..
aq p0n dtg r at dye nan muke kesian..
rupe2nye..dye say..wah! azira..bg0s ya kam0..
aq yg nga terpinga2 nie..glak2 jew r..
mase 2..t'senyum lebar r aq..
then si pegawai 2 p0n s0h r aq g b0oking jPj..
tp test 2 late sgt r..
lau b0le aq na cpt2 dpt an lesen p 2..hehe!
anyway,wlaupn ad prsaan cm 2..
akhrnye b'jaya gak aq...
s0..pd kam02 sekalian..
d0akn aq ya!!
sem0ga pas test jPj nnt...