There's a l0t 0f paths in life,
We have t0 be wise in selecting our path.
S0metimes, we ch0ose the wr0ng path.
But there's chances t0 c0rrect the wr0ng path,
Just wisd0m is needed,
And n0t t0 give up in life.
In life,
S0meyimes we're 0n the t0p,
S0metimes we're 0n the b0tt0m,
It's the rule 0f life,
There's n0 0ther way t0 escape life,
N0 matter h0w,
We have t0 face life,
And make our self impenetrable with 0bstacles in life.
Life could be full of happiness,
Life als0 c0uld be full 0f tears,
Laughter's may cheer our life with happiness,
Enj0y y0ur life as it can make y0ur life happier,
Fill y0ur life with j0y,
And d0 appreciate y0ur life,
Y0ur life c0uld be meaningless if y0u d0 not appreciate y0ur life...
nyum..nyum..cedapnye kek nie..
bile r agaknye dapat mkn kek cam nie ag ea..
kek nie d'captured mase birthday my dad..
s0 nice right this cake!!
mase besday aq xdapat p0n mkn kek cm nie..
kempunan nie beb mau mkn ini kek..
nie namenye kek buah spesial..
b0le d'mkn bile2 mase..
dimana jua anda berada..
kek 0wh kek..
aq mau mkn kam0 nie..
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